National Patent
Benefit: NAAC, NBA, NIRF-Ranking, Approval, Promotion, Job Security, Royalty, Production. [Marks-5]
Patent Fee and Time: Indian
Till Publication [Under 14- Days Only]
- Step-1: Your Idea/ Date Checked Patentable or not (Time 24-H) Fee: 14,600.00
- Step-2: Drafting as per Formate (1-Page Date Convert into 10-Page) Fee: 4,250.00
- Step-3: Filed the Patent (Form-1, Form-2, Form-3, Form-5, Form-26) Fee: 1,600.00
- Step-4: Form-9 and Processing Fee: 2,500+3000: 5,500, 14- Days. Published
- Total Fee: 25,950.00 (Before Filing)
After Publication: Apply Exam [After Publication Immediately Apply]
- Step-By Geh: POA Fee: 3,000.00
- Step-5: Apply Exam Form -18 (M) Fee: 4000 or Form-18-A (F): Fee: 8000
- Step-6: FER Response Submition. Fee: 7,000
- Total Fee: 14,000.00 Or Total fee: 18,000.00
To Patent Grant Certificate
- Step-7: Hearing Attending Fee: 6,000.00
- Step-8: Hearing Response Submition. Fee: 3,000.00
- Step-9: Date Modification Fee: 2,150.00 [Extra Fee If Required Modification then Only]
- Step-10: Grant Certificate (Means Patent Granted) Fee: 9,000.00 [+ 1- Year]
- 100% + Granted Your Patent--------------Total fee: 18,000.00